Key Article: “India & the Anglosphere”

In January 2011 the New Criterion journal published a seminal article by India's leading scholar of International Relations, Professor Madhav Das Nalapat. In the article Das Napalat seeks to emphasise that the racial prejudices that dominated US and European attitudes to Empire and civiliisation in the 20th Century are not only wrong, but outdated.  He argues…

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Churchill’s Fulton ‘Iron Curtain’ Speech envisages a post-WW2 ‘Anglosphere’

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  • Post last modified:March 15, 2023

March 5, 1946 Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri On March 5th 1946 Churchill delivered his Sinews of Peace speech in Fulton Missouri in the presence of President Truman. Churchill delivered the speech in a personal capacity having lost the recent General Election. However, The speech was secretly endorsed by the new Labour Government and received input from…

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An Anglosphere Primer

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  • Post last modified:May 26, 2023

This is seminal paper on the Anglosphere by James C Bennett. It covers the first introduction of what had been an obscure term created by Neal Stephenson to describe a 'network civilisation' in a future world. Bennett was adopted the term applied it to what he proposed was an emergent post-war (WW2) network civilization. It was…

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